Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday - TV Style

I'm linking up with April for 5 on Friday.  This week I'm going to focus on some of my favorite tv shows.  We cancelled cable a few months ago but that hasn't stopped me from watching!!! 

Here are the five shows that I look forward to each week...

I'm sure that most of you who enjoy this show as much as we do, however, you're probably watching as fans of Leslie and Ron.  In this house we're Team Tom.  I'm not sure if it's Aziz's allegiance to the Carolina's or just his pure comedic charm but we love watching him!  That being said, we also have a soft spot for poor Jerry...


Although I'm not on board with the new DC storyline, I still adore Castle.  Hopefully they'll get back to "the usual" format soon!


Oh how I wish I could belt out a country song like the fabulous folks on Nashville do.  Although I like to believe that Tami returns to her normal life with Coach Taylor when Nashville isn't shooting.  Anyone else still love Friday Night Lights??


I wish I really knew the Braverman's.  Aside from the obvious reasons that I love this show (the perfect mix of dramedy) I am so proud that a fellow Perrysburg High graduate stars on it!  Way to go, Joel!!!!  Who is your favorite character?  I'm constantly torn between Camille and Joel...she's always so calm and collected and he is the epitomy of a perfect SAHDad. 

It's baaaaaaaaaaaack!!! 
Please tell me that you love Olivia Pope...and despise Mellie Grant as much as I do!!!



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