Happy to be back with the FoF crew...
I'm officially 55 days into whole30 - My goal is 60, for now. I am really loving the program and feel as though I've had great results already. I saw this on the whole30 Instagram and thought it was a simple yet clever way to spice up our side dishes.
We had the best time playing in the snow this week. We didn't get very much but it was enough to have a fun morning!

I'd never made snow cream before but I thought BG really deserved a special treat. He absolutely loved it. I just mixed several cups of snow with a bit of sugar and some milk. So simple and he inhaled it!
I had a cookie order this week for a bridal shower. It was nice to have a reason to bake that didn't include me eating all the rewards! My former coworker, who is throwing the shower, sent an inspiration picture and it was one of the simplest designs I've had yet! These were simple diamond rings with the words "i do" written on the band.
We had the best morning baking with our friends. Allie and I hope to bake something together every month and this month she decided that she'd like to try a whole wheat bread. We tried two different recipes and found the greatest success with this one from Annies Eats. Allie also took this beautiful picture, she has a real eye for taking naturally lit pictures and styling them perfectly. Unlike last month I took BG along this time. Holy chaos! Fun chaos, but crazy to be kneading, rising and baking around! I'm already looking forward to picking out our March recipe!